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  In St John's account of the Last Supper we read that the beloved disciple leaned back against Jesus’ chest. From that intimate place he both spoke to Him and listened to Him.


     In this program, led by a bishop or priest, we take time to pray with the sacred music—both proper and ordinary chants—of the ordinary form of the Roman Rite of the Mass. This program is broadcast weekly and presents the Sunday propers of the Mass (introit antiphon, gradual, alleluia, offertory antiphon and communion antiphon) together with the ordinary chants (Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei) with each selection of sacred music hosted by a bishop or priest.  This host provides translation and commentary in an effort to teach the listener more about the sacred music of the Mass as well as leading the listener, during the program, into prayer through the sacred music of the Mass. In this program, we have the opportunity to recline with St John against Jesus' chest and enjoy the song that comes forth from Christ's mystical body as the Divine Love revealed at the Last Supper is re-presented in the Holy Eucharist.

(Praying with the Propers is a Registered Trademark of Saint Joseph Missions)

Praying with the Propers

Broadcasts on Sun: 9:02am; Thu: 7:02pm; Sat: 5:02pm

(Eastern Standard Time)

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