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The Liturgy of the Hours

"Now Peter and John were going to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour."

(Acts 3:1)​

     The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches us that the liturgy of the hours is "like an extension of the Eucharistic celebration." (CCC #1178). Furthermore, the Catechism elaborates, "The mystery of Christ, his Incarnation and Passover, which we celebrate in the Eucharist especially at the Sunday assembly, permeates and transfigures the time of each day, through the celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours, 'the divine office.' This celebration, faithful to the apostolic exhortations to 'pray constantly,' is 'so devised that the whole course of the day and night is made holy by the praise of God.' In this 'public prayer of the Church,' the faithful (clergy, religious, and lay people) exercise the royal priesthood of the baptized. Celebrated in 'the form approved' by the Church, the Liturgy of the Hours 'is truly the voice of the Bride herself addressed to her Bridegroom.' It is the very prayer which Christ himself together with his Body addresses to the Father." (CCC #1174)
The Liturgy of the Hours is broadcast five times per day on We Are One Body® (vigils/office of readings, morning prayer, mid-afternoon prayer, evening prayer and night prayer). WAOB® broadcasts the liturgy of the hours from various forms, always approved by the Church. Most often used is the Roman Rite, but other eastern rites and monastic forms of the liturgy of the hours are also broadcast to give a clearer picture of the universal Church at prayer, in all her legitimate diversity.

Office of Readings: Sun-Sat: 6:15am, Mon-Sat: 2:02pm

Morning Prayer: Sun-Sat: 7:15am

Mid-Afternoon Prayer: Mon-Sat: 2:20pm

Evening Prayer: Sun: 7:25pm, Mon-Fri: 5:31, Sat: 7:25pm

Night Prayer: Sun-Sat: 9:30pm

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